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This exercise may sound a little silly. You may be thinking, “A rock? How can a rock help me practice gratitude?”
But trust me this exercise is well worth trying, it is perfect for the whole family and the instructions are about as simple as instructions can be: just find a rock!
So as you contemplate where within your five kms you will go this weekend make sure you include somewhere that will allow you and your family to explore nature and find a rock that reflects who you are.
Take the time to pick one you like, whether you like it because it’s pretty, because it is smooth or has an interesting texture, or because you picked it up from a special place. If you have another small object you’d rather use instead, feel free to substitute that for the rock.
Put this rock somewhere that you can see it throughout your day, or your kids might like to carry there rock around with them in their pocket, or near their bed.
Each time you catch a glimpse of it or you feel it in your pocket, pause and touch your rock, does it feel cool, do you notice any irregularites and as you do think about one thing you are grateful for. Whether it’s something as small as the sun shining down on you in this moment or as large as the job that allows you to feed yourself or your family, just think of one thing that brings you joy or fulfillment.
Each time your rock comes into your consciousness, take the time to pause and dive a bit deeper as to why the thing you are gratefiul for today is important to you today. Is it the warmth you feel from the sun, or the energy it seems to give you. Perhaps its the connections you have made in your role at work or the delicious meal you will cook with the money you have made.
When you interact with your stone for the final time that day, take a moment to reflect on all of the wonderful reasons you associated with.
When you wake again the next day, repeat this process, finding something new to be grateful still, or better still if you have the time to search for a new rock start the process again and see if you were drawn to the same sort of rock or one that looks completely different.
Not only will this help you remember the things you are grateful for, but also it can trigger a mini-mindfulness moment in your day. It will bring you out of your head and into the present moment, giving you something to focus your attention on. It can also act as a switch to more positive thinking.
When you flip this switch multiple times a day, you will likely find that your average day has become much more positive. The secret to this exercise is that the rock is a symbol, a physical object you can use, to remind yourself of what you have.
That is it from me today, I hope you have a calm and restful day, one that brings you joy. One free from anxiety and as Positivity and Happiness are Contagious… Start your own Happiness ripple today!
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