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Letting go of beliefs that no longer serve you can be tricky. Beliefs are so engrained in who you are, that you either can’t recall the first time the belief influenced your action. Or the belief is so strongly linked to a moment in time that you are unable to erase it.
What ever it is you are holding onto, poor self worth, perfectionism, anger, sadness, happiness, regret. It is sooooo normal. We all hold on to things. We hold on to the idea of things. We hold on to dreams. We hold on to certain ideals. We hold on to people.
But it’s not healthy. Holding on isn’t good for your mind and most importantly, it’s not good for your heart.
The good news is, you have made a conscious decision, to let go of something that is holding you back. Your unconscious has led you here and in a few mins you will discover 2 techniques that may help you move forward. You can then decide if:
I’m sure you can think of something that has been holding you back of late and is worth letting go?
Letting go of the things that no longer serve you will also take time. It will involve a series of small steps rather than one definitive event. And just like life, you will have days where it is easy to let go and other days where you experience large amounts of reisistance. This is all part of the process. We are all creatures of habit. Your beliefs keep you safe, even when it’s no longer serving you.
So make today the day you start letting go of the things that are holding you back!
I encourage you to write a list of all the things that are not serving you. Then one by one rip that word up and throw it in the bin! And as you rip that piece of paper tell yourself. I am letting go of that old belief, it no longer serves me and I wont let it influence my actions.
As you let go of that feeling replace it with one you want to feel more of.
Now write the feeling you want to feel more of down and place it on your vision board or mirror or the back of a door! Somewhere you will see it every day! And each day remind yourself that this behaviour serves you and allow yourself to take a step forward towards the behaviour you want more of!
Maybe you need to explain yourself or forgive someone or say thanks or forgive yourself. Write a letter. Be honest, be real. You may find all sorts of stuff you didn’t know you wanted to say. Say it. Now read the letter over. Will you send it? Maybe. That’s up to you. Maybe you need to say it and release it.
There are many ways we can let go of the things that are holding us back. The key is to try different strategies until you find one that works for you and allows you to move forwards towards the person you want to be.
Good luck and if you need more guidance in this space you know where I am!
That is it from me today, I hope you have a calm and restful day, one that brings you joy. One free from anxiety and as Positivity and Happiness are Contagious… Start your own Happiness ripple today!
Order your copy of Goodbye Busy, Hello Happy today Dismiss