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Creating Balance is so important right now, especially when everything else is so out of whack. But what does it truly mean to be balanced, especially during a pandemic. Is it the feeling of calm that sweeps through you when everything is in order, is it the high five you give yourself after a successful day juggling work and life or is it when you feel truly well internally.
It will be different for each of us. But for me I always start by creating balance within. As when I treat my body with respect and listen to myself, and the people around me other areas of my life that are also important to me benefit!
Below is a list of some (Body, Mind and Spirit) activities that help me stay on track and hopefully something resonates with you and you are able t make one small shift today that will help you create greater balance tomorrow.
Sleep! If you know this is a problem area for you, start by waking up at the same time every day. No matter how tired you are its really important that you get up so that you break the pattern of sleeping in and going to bed too late. When we experience regular sleep patterns it reinforces the circadian rhythm. Bodily functions and cycles start to operate more efficiently and you will feel more energised.
There are so many benefits from taking time to be active! Higher levels of self-efficacy, confidence and energy. Improved brain function and protection against many chronic diseases. Exercise supports weight management and more. The key is to simply find something you enjoy doing, such as a sport or dance. If it’s nice outside, go for a walk or bike ride. Do some gardening. Have fun!
As humans we crave connection. When we’re alone too much, we start to feel self doubts. Anxiety grows. Depression can set in. So it’s important we find ways to be with friends and family on a regular basis in real life. Schedule unstructured time so you can go with the flow, forget about the time and simply enjoy each others company.
It’s equally important that we make time for ourselves. Too often we put ourselves last, we feel guilt at the thought of doing something that sooths our soul and pulls us away from cleaning, cooking or other household duties. Allocating ME time to read a book, do a puzzle, sit in the garden, cook – whatever it is that makes you happy needs to be added to your weekly schedule and trust me it will do you wonders!
Sights, sounds, touch, smell and taste are all important senses. Learn to be aware of all of them. Take the time each day to simply be and take in your surroundings. What do you see? What do you hear? What can you smell? What can you touch? What can you taste? If you stop and ask yourself these important questions you will be amazed what you notice.
Lastly when you have nourished your body and mind its time to get out their and soothe your soul. It’s time to expand your horizon, to take a break from your daily routine and follow your true passions.
Learn about other cultures through books, movies, music and cultural events.
Take an art class or learn to rock climb. If you think you can’t dance, sign up for lessons. If competitive sports aren’t your thing, check out a non-competitive league or an individual sport.
Doing things for others is one of the biggest secrets to happiness. Find something that suits your personality and interests. If you love the great outdoors, find ways to help others outside. Love animals? Check out the animal shelters. Is your neighbour aging? Offer to help with yard work or house work without charging. Leave a pot of flowers on their porch just because.
That is it from me today, I hope you all have a calm and restful day. One that brings you joy. One free from anxiety and as Positivity and Happiness are Contagious… Start your own Happiness ripple today!
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